
аÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½± Teacher Development Day

Opportunities for this kind of professionnal development are quite rare

The Teacher Development Day also known as the TDD is the premier forum for English language learning in France. The annual conference features a leading program on relevant topics in education, up to date research and findings as well as hands-on workshops. The annual conference is a comprehensive gathering of education professionals and features the field’s leading local and international specialists. Gathering close to 300 participants, it offers valuable networking opportunities for professionals in education. The TDD attracts leading international educational publishing companies who return every year to present new materials and resources in the Exhibiting area.

Elsa Teacher Development Day

Online booking and payment

Design Sans Titre

Once again I must thank everyone involved for creating such a diverse and interesting programme. I was delighted to be able to contribute to it. Opportunities for this kind of professional development are quite rare: as I left the EIB on Wednesday afternoon, I heard one young teacher say to an older colleague, ‘After a day like today, I feel as though I really do belong to a profession, and that I am part of a professional body, not just someone in a tiny department buried in a lycée somewhere out in the sticks. It has made me remember why I wanted to be a teacher in the first place.

Adrian Barlow,
Director of Public and Professional Programmes at Cambridge University Institute
for Continuing Education. British OIB Inspector.

March 23rd, 2024 all day at the International School of Paris.

Participants can select from about 40 workshops on important topics that cover the latest trends in education.

Speaker Reviews

I would like to thank the аÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½± committee for being so wonderful and welcoming at the TDD. It was a great experience being a part of the TDD and I look forward to collaborating in the near future together.

Alessandra Sax-Lane, American Community School in Athens

I found the delegates very stimulating and it was great to be able to talk to such interesting and diverse teachers. Thank you for inviting me
​Sarah Wedderburn, Unicorn Maths
I had such a great time in Paris. What a fabulous event.
Amy Burke, The Mindwell Foundation